Thangkas, Posters, Images Prajnaparamita TPI-NTL-N-2 €8.00 Divinity of Chod The Great Mother Add to cart
Visualisation banners Avalokiteshvara a 1000 bras BDV-TCH-M-1 €6.00 Bodhisattva of Great Compassion Add to cart
Thangkas, Posters, Images Shakyamouni TPI-SKM-N-7 €8.00 The Sage of the Shakya and eight of the sixteen Arhat Add to cart
Thangkas, Posters, Images Avalokiteshvara 4 arms TPI-TCH-4-2 €8.00 Bodhisattva of Great Compassion Add to cart
Thangkas, Posters, Images Gesar of Ling - Rinpoche manifestation to tame the negativities of the world TPI-GDL-N-3 €8.00 Gesar of Ling - Rinpoche manifestation to tame the negativities of the world Add to cart
Garlands of mantras Avalokitesvara a 1000 bras GIR-B-5-TCH €8.00 Bodhisattva of Great Compassion Add to cart